Image by Telegraaf
Aliyah Winner HGT 2011
With her great performance in the semifinals, the expectations regarding the song of Aliyah were high.
The jury was again overwhelmed by the performance. Especially her age in combination with the techniques used Aliyah made a deep impression.
First place
Although all candidates did extremely well, Gordon predicted her a first place in the final. Win or be second. We think that makes no difference for this little girl; no one can forget her stunning voice and appearance on HGT 2011.
UPDATE: We were right weeks ago: Aliyah is the winner of HGT 2011. With 35% of the people voting she left Boy Looijens behind her. Second place Boy: “I wish her all the best”.
Aliyah herself struggled to say something and let her tears when she received the trophy.
Now Whitney occasionally has to slow down a bit, we have in the Hollands Got Talent, a worthy replacement with the 11-year-old Aliyah Kofl from Netherlands.